.NET MAUI – app to add expenses quickly

I recently created an application in .NET MAUI that is now available for download. I made it for myself to be able to add costs in a very fast way. I will probably add some functionalities, improve the appearance and possible bugs. Feel free to use. Link to Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.companyname.fastcost Screenshots: Some short vids:

.NET MAUI – fix ‘failed processing manifest’ AndroidManifest.xml

The .NET MAUI application. I had the following errors when launch the application: Error APT2067: failed processing manifest. 0 Error APT2260: resource mipmap/appicon (aka com.companyname.fastcost:mipmap/appicon) not found. This error is likely caused by an issue with the AndroidManifest.xml file or an Android manifest generation attribute in a source code file. 0 Error APT2260: resource mipmap/appicon_roundContinue reading “.NET MAUI – fix ‘failed processing manifest’ AndroidManifest.xml”

Using the OpenAI API in a C# console application

Repo: https://github.com/kaajoj/OpenAIApp To run it, you need to provide your own API key. Sample code with request to generate new image: https://github.com/kaajoj/OpenAIApp/blob/cc1881a985365683c90484e9cb2dca7c1361b810/OpenAIApp/OpenAI.cs#L52 Sample results of image generation: Big dogs flying a plane to Mars Dogs like top gun

Truffle test – ReferenceError: accounts is not defined

When you run command ‘truffle test’ and get error:“ReferenceError: accounts is not defined” To fix this, use below code line:contract(“Contract”, async (accounts) => {} and put test code between brackets e.g.:

Create new ERC20 token – smart contract

Sample smart contract to create your own token: The same code, but with a hard-coded name, symbol and initial supply: Sources:https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/4.x/erc20https://solidity-by-example.org/app/erc20/https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/v4.0.0/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol

Mock IConfigurate in xUnit

If you want mock IConfiguration use following code: or copy secrets.json configuration file to output directory: projectName\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1 and then use following code in ContextFixture: Config json file e.g. secrets.json:

Secret storage in .NET

Enable secret storage:Type “dotnet user-secrets init” into Package Manager Console <UserSecretsId> can be found in .csproj file. Set a secret (Package Manager Console):dotnet user-secrets set “ApiKey” “test123” or to remove it:dotnet user-secrets remove “ApiKey” To check if exists:dotnet user-secrets listorManage secret through GUI -> right click on project -> Manage User Secrets -> it opensContinue reading “Secret storage in .NET”